Product Description:

Introducing our Sodium Filler Master Batch, based on Sodium Sulfate Na2SO4, designed for LDPE films, PE applications, PP sheets/boards, and injection moulding products. Also known as Sodium Transparent Filler, this masterbatch is a cost-effective solution that minimally impacts the transparency and performance of the final products.

Our Sodium Filler Master Batch can be added in the range of 5% to 40% in prime polymer, depending on the application. It is a versatile and efficient filler, ideal for reducing production costs while maintaining product quality. Perfect for a wide range of applications, from LDPE films to injection moulding products, this master batch offers exceptional performance and value.

Upgrade your polymer formulations with our Sodium Filler Master Batch, ensuring cost-effectiveness without compromising on transparency or performance. Achieve optimal results in LDPE films, PE applications, PP sheets, and more with this versatile and reliable filler masterbatch.


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